Su Yu Hsin on the role of water, her filmmaking approach to get close to complex ecologic connections, and the uncovering of a waterway under Taipei.

Artist Su Yu Hsin

Artist Su Yu Hsin

Ep.94 | Su Yu Hsin is an artist originally from Taiwan but now based in Berlin. We delved into her captivating exploration of water, her unique filmmaking techniques to understand intricate ecological relationships, and her fascinating discovery of an underground waterway in Taipei.

Su Yu Hsin(b.1989) is an artist and filmmaker based in Berlin. She approaches ecology from the point of view of its close relationship with technology. Her artistic practice is strongly research-oriented and involves fieldwork where she investigates the political ecologies of water. Her work reflects on technology and the critical infrastructure in which the human and non-human converge. Her analytical and hydropoetic storytelling focuses on map-making, operational photography, and the technical production of geographical knowledge. Her video installations are exhibited worldwide in museums and International Art Biennials: the Centre Pompidou-Metz, the Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Taipei Biennial 2020 and 2023, ZKM Karlsruhe, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, among others. Her films have been screened at Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Experimental Film and Video Festival in Seoul and e-flux.

004 SU Yu Hsin, Blast Furnace No.2, 2022, Video Installation (still), Courtesy the artist

SU Yu Hsin, Blast Furnace No.2, 2022, Video Installation (still), Courtesy of the artist

SU Yu Hsin, Particular waters (2023), Filmstill, Courtesy of the artist and alexander levy, Berlin

02 Su Yu Hsin, water sleep II Akaike river under Xizang Road, 2019, installation view in the exhibition Baroque Topologies, Kunstverein Leipzig © Courtesy of the artist, Photo Christian Doeller



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